I have been resting for a bit not to burn out, but I wanted to show you the latest tool on the Houdini grooming shelf.
The tube to curve utility.

This is similar to what the function of the utility xgen has does, but the biggest difference is that this version does not requires NURBS or a good topology. This means that any tube can be converted into curves along or across.
Making possible work directly with Zbrush sculps without caring about the topology.

Controls the direction of the curves via U and V attributes.
Along : distributes curves via the U attribute of the tube.
Across: distributes curves via the V attribute of the tube.

Capture Resolution
Control the amount of points used to capture the shape of the tube, the higher the number the more complex the shape to capture.

Along resolution
Controls the amount of points along the U direction of the tube.
If Direction is ALONG, increases the amount of curves

If Direction is ACROSS, increases the amount of points per curve before the shape capture
its not the same as curve resolution that happens AFTER capture.

Across resolution
Controls the amount of points along the V direction of the tube.
If Direction is ALONG, increases the amount of points per curve before the shape capture
its not the same as curve resolution that happens AFTER capture.

If Direction is ACROSS, increases the amount of curves.

Curve Resolution
Increases the amount of points per curve after capture Either along or across. This is a post process and have no influence over the capture.
