Haircut Guides Undercut

The goal is not just a single haircut but to create a different style every time and not finish it with a high-quality final render image. So we are not going to aim for a full-finished groom. What we're going to do is to analyze different structures of a groom, and we will create a whole analysis on how to solve them, how to work them, how to work,
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Jesus FC
Lead Groom TD

Course lessons

00 - Intro
01 - Scene Prep
02 - Scalp vs full model
03 - UNDERCUT - flow
04 - UNDERCUT - Big Clumps
05 - UNDERCUT - Small clumps
06 - UNDERCUT - per strand level
07 - UNDERCUT - Groom division
08 - UNDERCUT - scene and paths
09 - UNDERCUT - guide flow
10 - UNDERCUT - density and width
11 - UNDERCUT - Big Clumps size
12 - UNDERCUT - Big Clumps maps
13 - UNDERCUT - Zeroing A pixel
14 - UNDERCUT - Small Clump Mask
15 - UNDERCUT - Small clumps Noise
16 - UNDERCUT - Clength Mask
17 - UNDERCUT - The most basic noise
18 - UNDERCUT - Fray Noise
19 - UNDERCUT - Cut
20 - UNDERCUT - Split Ends

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This course includes:
21 lessons
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